WHY - Use our Calendar Invite platform, SIS, and Simple Invite Service to build out Killer Applications and workflows. Your customer's calendar client becomes the front end of the headless Calendar invite-sending service. Once our ETL Calendar Invite Engine has processed the event, you leverage our built-in workflows for sending Calendar invites across Email and Marketing platforms using our SIS API Kit.
HOW - In the first stage, we ETL the Calendar Invite Data from a Calendar Client in 10 seconds using our APIs and Lambdas we call the "ETL Calendar Invite Engine." Stage one is an endpoint for customers to "drop off" the calendar invite using a create@yourdomain.com address you configure. The data is automatically processed when they "Invite you" or "Copy" you to the Calendar Invite using create@yourdomain.com.
You can see a deployment example here called VIPLST.com
WHAT - The calendar invite is now staged in the Simple Invite Service and is ready to be SENT via API calls to the UID Beacon. Our API supports the Building of Landing Pages with Built-in Calendar Invite Boxes for a 1-click calendar invite sending. Also, our API auto-generates RSVP Buttons for use in MailChimp, Klaviyo, SendGrid, and Convertkit Email Templates for 1-Click sending of Calendar Invites. And thirdly, we support sending Calendar invites to subscribed lists via our APIs. We sometimes refer to it as “Bulk Calendar Invite Sending.” Your customers can UPDATE and CANCEL the event from the Calendar Client for that specific event generated by create@yourdomain.com. The UID beacon is a part of the service you don't have to "worry about," but it is essential to understand how your customers can UPDATE and CANCEL the events without logging into an application.
WHERE - The Cloud Formation template is available from us for download and has the Technical Deployment Guide for installing and accessing the APIs and analytics in Quick Sight to build out your own Killer Calendar Invite Applications.
You can see the Colorado Rockies Schedule here that we built with our tech stack.
We have 3 Products built into the Simple Invite Service (SIS) that you can build off of for your Killer App. The Calendar Lander for Autogenerating Calendar Landing Pages, the RSVP Button for Email Marketing Vendors, and Bulk Calendar Invite Sending to a validated subscription list you can access with our SIS API Kit. All the services or channels are tracked independently in the Reporting Module.
What is SIS? »Simple Invite Service«
SIS is a set of APIs on top AWS Lambda services for building your Killer Apps for sending calendar invites and tracking invitations in a headless event-driven workflow to your favorite Front End Tools.
SIS Service is designed for the builder to "Inject Calendar Invitations', into interfaces, buttons, batch, or stream services using the same Calendar Invite APIS.
We give you your first free Killer App called CalendarSnack in the form of a VUE.JS template. The Calendarsnack App shows how we integrated the API's Landing Pages for 1- Click Calendar Invite Sending or the workflow for Sending Batches of Calendar Invites to an email subscription list or embedding RSVP buttons into Email Marketing Vendors templates for Calendar Invite Sending.
The final point of the calendar stack integration example is the detailed view of the rich reporting gathered for all your "Domain" and the Individual Calendar Invites.
The Calendar Client is the front end of the headless Simple Invite Service. When your customer drops off the event into the service, we process that Calendar Invitation for you to call via the APIs to send the calendar invite and collect the RSVP data for reporting.
The UID beacon is built into the SIS Lamda service, allowing your customers to update the Calendar Invitation in their calendar client as the "Interface" into the messaging service.
Unique IP - Once the Organizers Calendar Client creates the UID to the Simple Invite Service (SIS) , it maintains a relationship so UPDATES or CANCELS can be administrated from the Organizers Calendar Client to the Customers Calendar Client of those who have RSVP'd in a YES or Maybe receipt back to the Simple Invite Service.
We have designed a Headless Marketing Automation Kit that uses the Calendar Client as the "Operator" of the AWS SIS service.
The headless design is simple but very effective, using the registered UID as the Beacon to communicate as a "web service."
It scales incredibly well for significant community use cases, including designs where you might need to build a data pump that would send millions of Calendar invites based on a consumer database.
Simple Invite Service Workflow
How would you start? Could you get your domain for RSVP branding? Why? Because this will be the way to deploy the Headless App. Since the backbone of the service is using AWS SES - Simple Email Service, you can manage your brand as an "RSVP" service for the Calendar Invites.
We can help you with this as an option if you need it.
Once you establish your domain, it's as simple as telling your users to use your unique create address off their calendar clients when generating events.
Your users are automatically organized by Organizer email address, so as they use the unique CREATE@YOURDOMAIN.COM, they will be automatically tracked in the Dynamo Data Base, and you will have access to the S3 buckets.
We will walk you through some of the concepts and components that may give you some ideas in the next couple of screenshots.
To understand more of what’s included in your prebuilt VUE.JS kit. Get a calendarsnack and walk through the Killer App experience built by our teammate Arnie.
If you become a customer, you will get the VUE templates built to match the SIS API’s workflow specific to the calendarsnack application.
If you want a key to the API Kit, email me at greghanchin@31events.com, and we will send you our beta deployment guide.
The Upcoming Landing Page is included in the API Kit. It streams all the events for that Calendar Invite Organizer in a simple Landing page that can be shared for easy signups for 1-Click Calendar Invite Sending.
The RSVP Button workflow is for the automation of sending Calendar Invites within an embed API that comes with the SIS API kit. When the RSVP Button code is deployed into the CTA button for MailChimp, Klaviyo, SendGrid, or ConverKit and clicked, the automated workflow kicks off an autogenerated Landing page is presented to the user, and a calendar invite is sent to be tracked. Every time someone generates a calendar-snack, you can request the API for the Button to be displayed in a simple grab-and-go code to be integrated into the workflow.
The SIS API Kit includes the workflow for the Reporting in the VUE.JS templates and a “How to” use AWS QuickSight to explore the data for a single account or all of the account data in the DOMAIN.
All DOMAIN equals all Unique Calendar Invite Organizers that have used the service.
More to come on this Killer App that will be part of the SIS API Kit.
Thanks for stopping by and checking us out..
Very detailed explanations. Product with much depth. Congratulations.